Co-Founder Matching

At Science & Startups, we know: To make your idea work, you need the perfect team. That's why we help you find the perfect match!

You are starting up at one of the Science & Startups members TU, HU, FU or Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and are looking for a co-founder? Talk to your startup advisor about sending your job request to us.

You think you have what it takes to be part of a cutting-edge, science-based startup? - Please drop us an e-mail at and we'll send you the right form.

Here you can see in which fields of expertise our startups are looking for co-founders:

IT / Software Engineering
Business / Finance / Marketing / Sales
Hardware / Chemistry / Medicine

Here you can find people, based on their field of expertise, who would like to be part of a startup:

IT / Software Engineering
Business / Finance / Marketing / Sales
Hardware / Chemistry / Medicine

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