Winners of 2022 – 1st place: WannSea
WannSEA is a student project of TU and FU Berlin that aims at inventing and constructing a zero-emission boat using renewable energies and circular economy materials. With this boat we would like to participate in the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge in July 2023. The 500€ prize money they will invest chips for our boat, for marketing and much more. Learn more.
Winners of 2022 – 2nd place: MEDlingo
MED.lingo is an app that not only translates health reports but also assists you in booking doctoral appointments in foreign countries without speaking the country’s language – perfect for Berlin, right?
Winners of 2022 – 3rd place: Varia Lana
Varia Lana is a platform where clothing is sustainably produced on demand in Germany using 3D knitting processes – no more excess clothing production!
Winners of 2021 – 1st place: Park-Cy
With PARK-Cy, we are combatting the everyday challenge of a regular city bike user. We resolve the following challenges such as Bike Damage & Theft, Lack of Organized Parking, and sense of insecurity in the users. This makes the streets much organized and easy to use for all types of users in the city. Users do not have to invest and carry the Useless heavy locks, and the city will look much more organized and orderly.
PARK-Cy is an innovative solution combining – Locking technology and Mobile App based User Interface to provide secured parking service for Bikes in city Parking lots. also provide additional services like bike repair and E-bike charging at these locations. Learn more.
Winners of 2021 – 2nd place: Checkademia
Checkademia is the digital study choice coach for all prospective students in Germany. Our goal is to inspire prospective students and support them in their decision-making process in order to maximize the number of satisfied students and at the same time to sustainably reduce the incredibly high dropout rate of around 30%. We offer exciting content, interactive online courses and an exclusive community for exchanging ideas on the topic of choosing a course of study. In addition, through our AI-based recommendation algorithm, the latest technological achievements are used for the first time in the context of study and career choice. With the help of Checkademia, everyone will know what and where to study in the future!
Winners of 2021 – 3rd place: Hydro2X
The idea of Hydro2X is to harness the increasingly frequent forced curtailments in electricity production by renewable energies by converting them into green hydrogen on site. Due to the irregularity of such events and because the sale and timely removal of the hydrogen is outside the core competencies of independent power producers, energy is so often lost because power producers usually forego it because of the extra work outside their core competencies. These tasks are to be taken over by Hydro2X, i.e. the remote monitoring of the irregular hydrogen production, the sale of the hydrogen via a dedicated auction platform and the timely transport and transport to the end customer. The electricity producer does not incur any administrative or personnel expenses, and they receive the profit generated less a percentage levy on Hydro2X.
Winners of 2020: Tutorhelden
With our idea, we intend to create a secure and barrier-free platform that functions according to the motto according to the motto “from students for students”. Since there is no satisfactory possibility to give or take tutoring as a student, we would like to offer this possibility free of charge with the development of our website. At the moment we are in the starting blocks and are just looking for a suitable funding opportunity to be able to implement our idea in a timely manner. Learn more.